Alain - Iconic Cavalier

Alain is a selfish man who comes from royal blood, though he has been hardened by battle since removing the silver spoon from his mouth. He is an excellent commander of troops and enjoys battle as much as any other sellsword.

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Would you like to learn more about Alain, the Iconic Cavalier? Read his Meet the Iconics entry over at the Paizo blog, or any of the other blog posts that mention him!


Alain's noble birth allowed him certain privileges, and he has always been good at taking full advantage of them. His wealth and natural abilities gave him an excessive sense of self-importance during his teenage years, and many a young maiden fell for his grace and charm. When his restlessness forbade him from sitting through court functions any longer, he gathered what funds and personal effects he could carry and declared himself a sellsword. Today Alain wanders as he will, taking commissions when they suit his fancy and embarking on his own expeditions when they don't. Thanks to his battlefield prowess, warriors are often drawn to fight at his side, though to him these companions are almost always cohorts as opposed to friends... he learned long ago that soldiers are a short-lived lot.