Heretic Theologist (Cleric/Witch)

While heresies emerge within the various religions in several different forms, most orders have a history of exacting punishment upon those who become perverted or those bold souls who neither accept nor live according to the dictates of their order’s dogma. Despite this, some heretics boldly proclaim their heretical views in open opposition towards the ecclesiastical hierarchy of their church, while others strictly adhere to their order’s teachings, posing as pious practitioners of the faith in an attempt to influence the masses, and guide them towards the new light and understanding they have received. Although the heretic theologist is not necessarily opposed to the leaders or doctrines of his faith, he does believe he has found a different path to honoring her god–one that deals with abstract mysteries, binding pacts, and secret initiations meant to reveal greater understanding of the divine being they claim to worship. The heretic theologist continues to receive spells from his god, while simultaneously gaining access to more mysterious and eldritch abilities, all of which stem from the same divine source. While genuine seekers of divine truth view this as a sign that the heretic theologist has found a new path towards greater enlightenment, she is often viewed as confused and misguided by her superiors as pertaining to the truths and doctrines sanctioned by her order. (Original Concept by Bardess)

Primary Class: Cleric.

Secondary Class: Witch.

Alignment: Any.