Lord General of Light (Anhuil-Ehlar)

In the endless war between good and evil, the gods have placed their extraplanar armies under the command of powerful outsiders of similar disposition and philosophical outlook. As solars and planetars stand in benevolent leadership of the Hosts of Heaven, pit fiends and balors dominate and bend the vast Legions of Hell or the Abyssal Hordes to their own wills. However, on those rare occasions when the servants of righteousness are marshaled to war against the servants of evil upon the Prime Material plane, the gods of light must call upon a powerful mortal to lead the call to arms–the Lord General of Light in the common tongue (or the Anhuil-Ehlar in ancient celestial and elven, the Dur-Hakan in ancient dwarven, the Kihee Uust in ancient draconic, and even the Vyn Rah'zi in an obscure dark folk dialect).

Chosen from among the ranks of their most battle-tested and faithful followers, the Lord General of Light is given, through divine investiture, the mantle of authority and leadership over all the followers of light upon the mortal realm. The Lord General of Light is called to service only during the most dire of circumstances, when the world and its very survival hangs in the balance.

Lord Generals of Light are always of good alignment, and most commonly lawful good for obvious reasons. They are typically powerful clerics or paladins in the service of one of the greater good deities, though those who serve lesser deities of light, or who possess a pure and holy heart while claiming no direct affiliation to a particular sect have been known to wear the mantle of Lord General of Light. Regardless of the circumstances, the one chosen has a great responsibility as both leader and representative of the holy powers bestowed upon him.

Lord General of Light is an acquired template that can be added to any living, corporeal creature of good alignment with 14 HD (or class levels) or higher. A Lord General of Light retains the base creature's statistics and special abilities except