Canine Affinity
An apex warrior with the canine affinity exhibits the traits and behaviors of dogs, hyenas, wolves, and other canine species. He tends to be unkempt and ragged in appearance though muscled, snaps at friends and foes alike, and possesses a pack mentality that applies to both his allies and his tactics in combat. The following affinity traits, combat style feats, and apex powers emulates creatures of the canine species.
Affinity Traits
Agile Moves: The apex warrior gains a +2 bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks.
Cave Born: The apex warrior gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Survival checks made underground.
Fleet-Footed: The apex warrior gains Run as a bonus feat and a +2 bonus on initiative checks. The apex warrior must have the canine or feline affinity to select this trait.
Hardy: The apex warrior gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against poison (magical or otherwise). The apex warrior must have the canine or ursine affinity to select this trait.
Improved Flanker: The apex warrior gains a +4 bonus when his opponent is flanked by an ally instead of the normal +2. The apex warrior must have the canine affinity to select this trait.
Improved Scent (Ex): The apex warrior gains the Keen Scent ability. The apex warrior must have the scent trait to select this trait.
Keen Senses: The apex warrior gains a +2 bonus on Perception checks.
Natural Swimmer: The apex warrior gains a +2 bonus on Swim checks.
Night Vision: The apex warrior gains low-light vision. If the apex warrior already has low-light vision, its range doubles.