Order of the Wychblade

A wychfiend cavalier who belongs to this order has learned to use the mystical energies of the Ethereal Plane to further the will of the Wychqueen or his appointed liege without question. Cavaliers of this order tend to be strong, fanatical, loyal to a fault, and willing to carry out the dictates of his liege without question, even t the death. This order complements the Wyching Knight racial archetype.

Edicts: The cavalier must prove his strength and dedication to his liege at every opportunity, and seek retribution against any foe that challenges the authority or disobeys the commands of his liege. If he encounters a foe seemingly more powerful than himself, he must attempt to defeat them, even to the death should the need arise. 

Challenge: Whenever a cavalier of the order of the wychblade issues a challenge against a creature that has opposed his authority or that of his liege, he receives a +1 morale bonus on all attack damage rolls made against the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.  

Skills: An order of the wychblade cavalier adds Knowledge (engineering) (Int) and Knowledge *planes) (Int) to his list of class skills. In addition, an order of the wychblade cavalier adds his Charisma modifier (if positive) to any Will saves he makes against compulsion spells and effects.

Order Abilities: A cavalier that belongs to the order of the wychblade gains the following abilities as he increases in level. 

By My Sword (Ex)