Order of the Dragon's Heart

A cavalier who belongs to this order seeks to honor both his draconic heritage and serve those unable to defend themselves from the tyranny of the world. Cavaliers of this order are of dragon descent, such as dragonborn, half-dragons, and similar kin. This order is restricted to the Dragon Knight dragonborn racial archetype.

Edicts: The cavalier must seek to further the cause of dragonkind, protect those of draconic descent (dragonborn, kobolds, dragon disciples, sorcerers of the draconic bloodline), and do all within his power to ensure the survival of his mount. He must always act in a manner becoming his noble heritage. The cavalier must ensure his actions are in the best interest of the dragon race above all others, and destroy those who seek to slay dragons or their kin without just cause.

Challenge: Whenever a dragon’s heart cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on all attack and damage rolls made against the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses. Furthermore, should the dragon’s heart cavalier use Intimidate to demoralize the target of his challenge, the cavalier of the dragon’s heart gains a +2 bonus on all such skill checks until the end of the challenge.
