Shinobi Brewmaster (Ninja/Alchemist)

Among the secretive clans of the ninja are those skilled in the mystic science of alchemy. By diverting from her studies of the hidden arts of stealth and camouflage, the shinobi brewmaster employs both bombs and her limited extracts to deadly effect. Occasionally seen as deficient by other members of the clan, it is the shinobi brewmaster that is often given vital tasks on behalf of the clan leader, such a destroying a key instillation belonging to a rival clan, assassinating a prominent merchant, or infiltrating the staff of a ruling lord. Regardless of the view of others, the shinobi brewmaster deems himself an integral part of his clan due to the unusual skill set he employs. (Original Concept by Elghinn Lightbringer)

Primary Class: Ninja.

Secondary Class: Alchemist.

Alignment: Any.