Boastful Gallant (Swashbuckler/Bard)
(Original Concept by Bardess)
All swashbucklers are braggarts more or less, and all bards as well; but a boastful gallant combines the swordplay and wordplay of both. Poetry, love, and glory are her lifeblood. Cheerful and romantic at heart, she deeply believes that seeing her beloved’s face and composing verses in his and her own bravery’s praise can give her the strength to defeat a hundred foes single–handedly. The thing is, that’s usually the case.
Primary Class: Swashbuckler.
Secondary Class: Bard.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Dice: d10.
Bonus Skills and Ranks: The boastful gallant select three bard skills to add to her class skills in addition to the normal swashbuckler class skills. The boastful gallant gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 6 + Int modifier.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The boastful gallant is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, plus the dueling sword and the whip. She is also proficient with light armor, and with bucklers.
Performance Deeds: In addition to swashbuckler’s deeds, the boastful gallant gains a number of performance deeds that function like a bard’s bardic performances. Unlike swashbuckler deeds, performance deeds require the boastful gallant to spend panache points each round to be maintained. A boastful gallant can only perform deeds or performance deeds of her level or lower.
Starting a performance deed is a standard action (including spending