Infernal Pact
The pactbound thaumatheurge has forged a pact with a mischievous and powerful entity of the mystical realm of the fey, such as pixie queen or the king of the leprechauns. In so doing, the pactbound thaumatheurge gains fey-like powers which allow him to charm his foes, stride through overgrown terrain without notice, force laughter out of those nearby, or become one with the world of the fey. The fey pact consists of the Fey bloodline and the Trickery domain.
Code of Conduct: A Fey pactbound thaumatheurge must be of chaotic alignment and loses all class features except proficiencies if he fails to remain so. Additionally, the pactbound thaumatheurge is prohibited from wearing metal armor or using a metal shield. This devotion grants the pactbound thaumatheurge damage reduction 1/cold iron, and increases by 1 every four levels beyond 1st, to a maximum of damage reduction 5/cold iron.
Class Skill: You add the Fey bloodline’s class skill to your list of skills.
Channeling: Your pact grants you the ability to channel fey energies that fascinate and beguile the mind. The target takes a –1 penalty to all Intelligence- and Charisma-based skill checks for 1 round per pactbound thaumatheurge level, plus an additional 1 every two pactbound thaumatheurge levels beyond 1st (–2 at 3rd, –3 at 5th, and so on). A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your pactbound thaumatheurge level + your Charisma modifier) reduces this penalty by half.
In addition, a number of targets within the burst equal to your Charisma modifier must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your pactbound thaumatheurge level + your Charisma modifier) or become fascinated for 1 round. At 8th level, on a failed save, the targets are subject to a charm person spell for 1 round per pactbound thaumatheurge level. A successful save reduces this to being fascinated for 1 round. At 15th level, on a failed save, the targets are subject to a charm monster spell for 1 round per pactbound thaumatheurge level. A successful save reduces this to being fascinated for 1 round.
Alternatively, at 15th level, the pactbound thaumatheurge can target one living creature. The creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the pactbound thaumatheurge's level + the pactbound thaumatheurge's Charisma modifier) or be subject to an irresistible dance spell. This otherwise functions like the cleric’s channel energy ability.
Pact Spells: You gain two pact spells of each level from 1st-9th, and add both your Fey bloodline spells and Trickery domain spells to your spell list.
Pact Powers: