Order of the Abominable Horde

A cavalier who belongs to this order drawn to summoned creatures, particularly those of outlandish and strange origins. Although this unusual attraction is often unwelcome, the cavalier is driven to manifest this affinity in one of three ways–strive to protect and befriend them, attempt to dominate and enslave them, or seek to irrevocably destroy them. Regardless of one’s moral position, cavaliers of this order tend to be resolute, unbending, determined in their endeavors, and permit nothing to stop them from fulfilling their goal. This order complements the Abomination Rider multiclass archetype.

Edicts: The cavalier must strictly adhere to his chosen course, strive to uphold his moral position in regards to extraplanar creatures, and seek to reconcile his actions with the whispering of his heart. He must always seek out such creatures for the purpose of accomplishing his ultimate goal, and cement his name in history as a friend, subjugator, or eradicator of extraplanar beings.

Challenge: Whenever an order of the abominable horde cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on Will saves and all attack damage rolls made against the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses. In addition, the cavalier gains a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks related to creatures of the outsider type until the end of the challenge.