Illusion Walker (Ninja/Sorcerer)
The Illusion walkers are an order of assassins that are rumored to draw their power from the very blood within their veins, to power their abilities. (Original Concept by Browman)
Primary: Ninja.
Secondary: Sorcerer.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Dice: d8.
Bonus Skills and Ranks: The illusion walker selects three sorcerer skills to add to his class skills in addition to the normal ninja class skills, once of which must be Spellcraft. The illusion walker gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 6 + Int modifier.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The illusion walker is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the kama, katana, kusarigama, nunchaku, sai, short bow, short sword, shuriken, siangham, and wakizashi. An illusion walker is proficient with light armor, but not with shields. An illusion walker can ca