Astute Physician (Investigator/Paladin)
While some who follow the ways of science feel called towards the roles of alchemists and investigators, some feel compelled to practice medicine, surgery and first aid. Through rigorous studying of medical treatments, astute physicians are as capable as paladins in terms of their curative abilities, and can evaluate situations with a keen and practiced mind in many emergencies. Not to be underestimated in the heat of battle, the astute physician’s knowledge of anatomy and medicine can be a deadly tool when used offensively. (Original Concept by Tyrannical)
Primary Class: Investigator.
Secondary Class: Paladin.
Alignment: Any nonevil.
Hit Dice: d8.
Bonus Skills and Ranks: The astute physician selects three paladin skills to add to his class skills, in addition to the normal alchemist class skills. The astute physician gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 6 + Int modifier.