The Kanasatké (The People of the Rain)
The Kanasatke (kä-nä-sät’-kay) people live in a hot and humid region known as the Kanasé Rainforest. This tropical jungle is the home of many snakes, lizards, exotic birds, mammals, and monkeys. They are quite aggressive in their interaction with other tribes, and live in harmony with the land. The Kanasatke gather together in communities of 100 to 200 people, and live in large thatched huts or houses of sandstone blocks covered in a form of cement for decoration. Their society is similar to that of the Mayans or Aztecs, duplicating much of their way of life. Smaller communities of 30 to 50 individuals occasionally make their homes in the underground root systems beneath ancient and gnarled trees, or high above the ground in the jungle canopy. They travel through their lands mostly by foot on established roads, though some use walkways located high in the trees, or by swinging from vine to vine. They are among the most war-like of the tribes and have developed superior weapons and combat tactics.Real World Association: The Mayan and Aztec cultures
Capital: Xetzocotlcan
Regional Population: 12,860
Government: Tribal Chieftain
Religion: A-llän
Tribal Information
Sister Tribes: Kanase* (kä-nä’-say), Kiowasha (kī-ō-wä’-shä), Kishku (kish’-koo), Kushonte (koo-shon’-tay)
Dragon Sponsors: Black, bronze, cloud, forest, green
Tribal Beasts: Boa constrictor, couatl, gorilla, komodo dragon, leopard, macaw, orangutan, parrot, panther, water buffalo
Tribal Dwellings: Thatched huts, stone and cement houses
Tribal Arms: Blow gun (bamboo), club, great club (obsidian blades), handaxe (obsidian), longspear, throwing axe (obsidian); hide armor, leather armor, wooden shield
Imports: Stone and metal weapons, iron wares, blankets, spices, rare foods
Exports: Exotic medicines and plants, wooden and obsidian weapons, hides, furs, jewelry
Alignment: LN, N, LE
Allies: The Jojiipewaa (conditional), The Okwashonee (steady), The Wananakas (conditional)
Area: The Kanasé Rainforest
Environment: Warm jungle and forest