Wandering Phenom

CR: +2

Class: Cavalier or fighter. Additional classes may be considered at the GM’s discretion.

HD: 14 or higher.

Alignment: Any nonevil.

Defenses/Qualities: A wandering phenom gains DR 3/— if HD are 17 or less) or 6/ (if HD are 18 or more), +4 on his rolls to confirm critical hits, and a +4 bonus on all Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Ride, and Survival skill checks. If the wandering phenom already has untyped DR from a previous class feature, it increases by 3.

Special Abilities: A wandering phenom gains the following special abilities:

Battle Surge (Ex)

A wandering phenom can draw upon his battle training to increase his prowess in combat. As a swift action, he can add 1/2 his Hit Dice or level (minimum 1) to all attack and damage rolls, and to all CMB and CMD checks until the beginning of his next turn. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher).