Planar Witch (Witch/Summoner)

Although witches tend to have a powerful bond with the strange and indescribable–be it a pure force of nature or the forces of mind and matter–some delve deep into the strange mysteries of the mind and other planes of existence. These witches walk a fine line between sanity and madness, and in so doing, some becomes devoured by the madness. While a planar witch might risk falling over this thin line entirely, most find a pure source of intelligence and power beyond their plane of existence, and strive to serve it to their utmost ability. (Original Concept by Raiderrpg)

Primary: Witch.

Secondary: Summoner.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Dice: d6.

Bonus Skills and Ranks: The planar witch selects three summoner skills to add to her class skills in addition to the normal witch class skills. The planar witch gains a number of ranks at each level equal to +2 Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Pr