The faeranor are centaur-like, though they do not resemble the easily recognized half-man, half-equine creatures. This noble race possesses the upper torso of an elf and the body of a giant lynx. They possess the agility and speed of their feline heritage and the woodland savvy of the elven race.
Physical Description: Faeranor are graceful and agile, standing 5 to 5-1/2 feet in height, 6 to 7 feet in length, and weighing 250-350 lbs. Their hind quarters appear like a giant lynx, with tan, brown, black, gray and white patches in a variety of patterns and shades. Their muscular torsos range in color from light or dark tan in color. They have pointed ears, coarse blond or light brown hair, and blue, green, or yellow-green. Males tend to be larger, with wild heads of hair and no facial hair, while females are slightly smaller with their hair tied back in long ponytails or simple braids. Faeranor tend to wear simple clothes with colors that allow them to blend into their natural surroundings.
Society: Faeranor society is dominated by fighters and rogues, and ruled by a council of savants, sorcerers of tremendous powers. Their social structure most closely resembles that of a mob–a band of brutal warriors and deadly assassins, under the command of savant leaders, whom they follow fanatically. They often abduct surface dwellers to perform hideous experiments on them in their never-ending quest to divine what protects those who dwell above from the burning death.
Relations: Faeranor are suspicious of everyone and everything, and rely upon their inborn stealth and cunning to subdue other races of the Darklands. As a whole, they possess delusions of grandeur, of absolute rule over their kin, coupled with an overpowering urge to inflict torment on others. Though they are capable of holding their murderous impulses in check for short periods of time, this seldom lasts more than a few weeks. Despite the fact that they seek to dominate all other races, they will, at times, ally themselves with other evil creatures of the Darklands.
Alignment and Religion: Faeranor are practical, and rely primarily upon their wits and skill to survive. They tend to neutral in alignment, though some chaotic neutral and chaotic good are also common. Bloodragers, hunters, and shaman are the most common classes among farenor, while druids and rangers are also found among their tribes. Those who choose to follow the divine path favor gods of nature, stealth, wrath, and the fey.
Adventurers: Faeranor are rarely seen above ground, since sunlight can kill them. They are most often encountered in city catacombs or i