Summoner General (Fighter/Summoner)
Oft times, kingdoms come in conflict with neighbors, invading forces, or even roving mercenary armies in search of fortune and glory. While most rulers have a constant military presence, they must, on occasion, call upon unorthodox forces to win their battles. Thus, such opportunities of for notoriety and military conquest have given birth to a truly remarkable persona, the summoner general. By establishing an pact with elite groups of monstrous creatures, the summoner general calmly leads these terrifying forces into the heat of battle, often to the dismay of his foes. (Original concept by Christos Gurd)
Primary Class: Fighter.
Secondary Class: Summoner.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Dice: d10.
Bonus Skills and Ranks: The summoner general may select three summoner skills to add to his class skills in addition to the normal fighter class skills. The summoner general gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 2 + Int modifier.