Feiya - Iconic Witch

A lithe young woman with stark white hair stares provocatively at you, silently daring you to advance and either provoke or caress her. Her fingernails are overlong and sharpened, and she carries a wooden staff with strange trinkets tied to it. Close by, a red fox watches you warily, ready to defend the woman if necessary.

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Would you like to learn more about Feiya, the Iconic Barbarian? Read her Meet the Iconics entry over at the Paizo blog, or any of the other blog posts that mention her!


Feiya's childhood years were harsh and disturbing, as she was stolen from her home as a young girl and forced to join a coven of hags, who tried in vain to teach her their dark craft. Alternating between tutelage and torture, the witches frequently let their cruel natures impede their instruction. She eventually escaped the witches' torture with the help of an unusually intelligent fox whom she later named Daji. 

Though she desperately desires the company of others, formative years spent away from civilized society have left Feiya lacking in social graces, and her awkwardness often leads to unfortunate misunderstandings. Nevertheless, her inherent good nature tends to win out, and her occasional flares of temper are countered by her steadfast loyalty to her friends. Feiya relishes travel, and having identified a butterfly carving in a waterfall cave as the found-mark of a Desnan priest, she gladly embraces that faith, hoping that her wanderings may cast more light on who she really is—and what entity fosters her magical abilities.