Arcane Sneak (Rogue/Wizard)

Arcane sneaks are stealthy rogues that have delved into the secrets of wizardly magic. Typically, their interest in the arcane arts began at an early age, with their curiosity forcing them to learn all they could in an effort to supplement their growing skills in legerdemain and skullduggery. Due to limited time and resources, arcane sneaks possess nowhere near the power of other wizards, though what few spells they do learn they have mastered. With their unique joining of spells from various schools and their innate stealth and secrecy, arcane sneaks are often sought by thief guilds as their mages, or as security officers by high ranking political leaders or nobility. (Original Concept by Byrdology.)

Primary: Rogue.

Secondary: Wizard.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Dice: d8.

Bonus Skills and Ranks: The arcane sneakselects three wizard skills to add to her class skills in addition to the normal rogue class skills, one of which must be Spellcraft. The arcane sneak