Gun Sage (Gunslinger/Wizard)

In the far reaches of the west are found certain gunmen who incorporate a limited form of arcane magic into their deadly art. These gun sages lack much of the true magical powers of a wizard, but make up for this deficiency through their tertiary study of arcane practices. Masters of damage dealing spells, gun sages push the limits of their spellcasting nearly to the breaking point, allowing them greater versatility in their martial and arcane endeavors. (Original Concept by Christos Gurd)

Primary Class: Gunslinger.

Secondary Class: Wizard.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Dice: d8.

Bonus Skills and Ranks: The gun sage selects three wizard skills to add to his class skills in addition to the normal gunslinger class skills, one of which must be spellcraft. The gun sage gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 4 + Int modifier.