Battlefield Chirurgeon (Summoner/Cleric)
While most summoner’s order their eidolon’s to engage in combat, battlefield chirurgeons willingly wade into the fray themselves in search of fallen comrades. Often branded as foolhardy for rushing into a conflict zone, battlefield chirurgeons are simply fulfilling their oath to preserve life. Blessed with the divine powers of healing and death-sight, a battlefield chirurgeon can uses his eidolon as aid, rescuer, and guardian on the field of battle. (Original Concept by Elghinn Lightbringer)
Primary Class: Summoner.
Secondary Class: Cleric.
Alignment: A battlefield chirurgeon’s alignment must be within one step of his deity's, along either the law/chaos axis or the good/evil axis.
Hit Die: d8.
Bonus Skills and Ranks: The battlefield chirurgeon may select three cleric skills to add to his class skills in addition to the normal summoner class skills, one of which must be Heal. The battlefield chirurgeon gains a number of ranks at each level equ