Sacred Thaumaturge (Wizard/Cleric)
A sacred thaumaturge delves into both the wellsprings of arcane magic and enlightening mysteries of the divine. Through combining the power of wizardly might with the prayers of clerical piety, the sacred thaumaturge becomes a powerhouse of magical diversity, allowing him to adapt to nearly any situation. In the heat of battle, a sacred thaumaturge might be seen scampering from comrade to comrade, lending healing and encouragement to fight on, while the next minute unleashing blazing balls of fire or bolts of lightning to cut down the enemy lines. Whether its performing last rites to the fallen, or blasting foes from the sky, the sacred thaumaturge is a power to reckon with. (Original Concept by Elghinn Lightbringer)
Primary Class: Wizard.
Secondary Class: Cleric.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Dice: d6.
Bonus Skills and Ranks: The sacred thaumaturge may select three cleric skills to add to his class skills in addition to the normal wizard class skills. The sacred thaumaturge