Wychlyn (Wychfiend, Sorcerer Archetype)

Wychlyns are female arcane spellcasters who wield powerful otherworldly magic and rule the wychfiend society. While male wychfiends with a predisposition towards pure magic may join the wychlyn, those few who do so are called wylochlyn by their sister wychlyn. Nevertheless, they are welcomed as full members of their order. While wychfiends tend to be wary of other races, they consider those outside their race who are of the sorcerer or witch classes as kindred spirits by simple virtue of their magic. Though they will readily destroy such outsiders, the fact they are trained in the “wyching” powers may spare such an individual long enough for one to charm his way to freedom or escape.Class Features The wychlyn has the following class features. Spellcasting

A wychlyn adds the following witch spells to her spell list at the indicated spell levels: 1st level–accept affliction, beguiling gift, bleeding strike, command, compel hostility, cure light wounds, delay disease, diagnose disease, enemy’s heart, frostbite, fumbletongue, hex ward, ill omen, inflict light wounds, karmic blessing, mask dweomer, nereid’s grace, remove sickness, sanctify corpse, unbreakable heart, whispering lore

2nd level–augury, binding earth, cure moderate wound, death candle, delay poison, detect relations, enthrall, feast of ashes, fester, find traps, fury of the sun, hidden speech, inflict moderate wounds, lay of the land, mask dweomer (communal), perceive cues, pox pustules, severed fate, shared sacrifice, sickening strikes, soothing word, stalwart resolve, status, vomit swarm, winter’s grasp